You would think that being just down the road (only Peru between us and Bolivia) it would be easy to get to, but we can get back to Colorado faster and cheaper (flights Denver to Quito are running about $625 now) than La Paz. Round trip from Guayaquil to La Paz is $854 unless we take American Airlines which requires a stop in Miami first. We've decided to fly the short hop to Guayaquil this time it's only 77 miles but the Andes have a way of making that a five hour trip and air travel with-in Ecuador is easy, comfortable and cheap $33. (Once again in Guayaquil we will be waiting 6 hours this time which is just enough to get a great prawn late as the season is in full bore right now.) Then at 7 p.m. we fly to La Paz arriving at midnight so the cold air's density will hold the plane up while landing. A quick Taxi ride takes us into La Paz itself a beautiful city, sitting at 12,000 feet where we will stay one day before we have one last 40 minute flight (or a 16 hour butt-busting bus ride) to Sucre. We know it's a great city similar to Boulder and Cuenca, but it been hard to find any but the most basic information, so we are flying a little blind. Hopefully we will be able to change that for others as we report back. Meanwhile it's one last evening at La Parola for live Blues tonight, and I think Saturday will be a long night of Salsa dancing at Tinton, Verde y Maduro. I have a feeling I'm going to miss the live music, but who knows, when we first came to Cuenca we didn't expect electricity (yes, I was that clueless)